Perfect expiry for the DAX , rollover table, today’s levels and comment.


DAX Jan to Feb Rollover 18th Jan 2018



You just can’t get better than that in the DAX, a NZ Bandwidth test on the actual rollover.

The upper boundary is 13250 and the high was 13251, and this was after the open at 13200, dead centre, and the lower boundary s 13150 and the low was 13137.



Range:            13150  to  13250

Activity:          Moderate

Type:               On balance only just not bullish





And there is the move up in the Feb NZ to sync with Jan’s.

Otherwise the ratios below the zone are unchanged.

Above the zone both Y2 and R1 come in slightly and we see R2 for the first time.

Still a day or so to go so it needs to accelerate the ratio development above the zone, but this is not something new, but still plenty of Y ratio around to give this expiry greater potential than the last one.


Range:           13150  to  13250

Activity:         Very good

Type:              On balance only just bullish



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January 18th, 2018 by