NDX Ratio Rollover table, levels and comment

NDX Nov to Dec Rollover 16th Nov 2017




Yesterday we called the NDX a spoil-sport as it was the only one that closed outside its zone on Tuesday, but in wonderful hindsight, they actually played the perfect hand.

So, respect where it is due as they got it so right.

Their open was down 32.37-points at 6261.27 which significantly was right in their zone.

The low was 6227.99 and the high was 6276.80 and as one can see from the above table the NZ is 6225 to 6275 so it was definitely in it for the rollover, even closing very near the centre.

Actually, that also comprises a NZ bandwidth test so expect a breakout today.


Range:            6225  to  6275

Activity:          Moderate

Type:              On balance bullish



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The big news in Dec is the level of activity and it really doesn’t get much higher than this.

In fact, had this happened just after the 2 weeks mark we would have said the big boys are playing, but at this point in the expiry it could just be insurance, albeit an awful lot of it, but it is Dec after all.

The only changes are that Y2 above the zone slips, which is not good as it is rather bald there anyway, and we see the appearance of R3 below the zone.

Not that it never is but this expiry is already looking exciting.


Range:            6025  to  6325                    

Activity:          Off the scale

Type:              Bearish     



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November 16th, 2017 by