FTSE Oct to Nov Ratio Rollover Table 17th Oct 2018
For the FTSE Monday was the key day with the intraday low of 6961.28, which was a test of DR, that had been lurking there at 6950 for the entire expiry.
As you can see today it has dropped to R3, but the fact the next level is R1 then this just goes to underline its continued significance.
The first two weeks of this expiry this index just bounced around in its zone, exciting at the time but really severely rangebound.
So, when the breakout happened it was probably all the more extreme for it, however, what really scuppered this index was when it was hitting its support, or the R ratios, that was the exact moment that the US decided to pull their plug.
There is no doubt the zone here will drop, and November gives us bit of a clue in this respect, but getting back above 7150 will be the other key here.
Range: 6950 to 7150
Activity: Average
Type: Bullish
For the next expiry, 22nd Oct to 16th Nov, the next few days will be critical.
We have no doubt whatsoever that this index would dearly love to get back into the safety of its zone, and it may well do so, so here also 7150 is key.
However, the fact is that here there is 200-points either side of this zone that is still Y ratio, so the real trick will be staying there.
So, depending on which side of the fence you sit there will be plenty of opportunity for one or the other.
Range: 6950 to 7150
Activity: Average
Type: Neutral